Yes! And… Creative Gorilla # 152
An eBook that shows you how to create ideas in ten to sixty minutes
How might blackberry picking be an analogy for idea generation?
I am busy writing eBooks for my web site and thinking of a topic for a Creative Gorilla
at the same time. So I thought “why not combine the two?”
It will make a nice change for me and hopefully for you too.
So this week, I will summarise the eBook and you can then link to it if you wish to.
The eBook combines two older Gorilla articles in to one book, with illustrations.
I like to think it is user friendly and good to download to your phone, pad or computer.
Download it from here.
Summmary of eBook
Creative Ideas in Ten Minutes
In this eBook you will find how blackberry picking is a great analogy for idea generation. From low hanging fruits, to hidden gems, tangles in the brambles to maggots on steroids, it can all be related.
Add to this six tools for idea generation. You can use one in ten minutes or all six in sixty. They include DREAMERS; 5W & H; Get Fired; Where in the World; Yes! And…; Random Connection and a bonus tool.
If you need to run or are planning to run an idea generation session and don’t have a lot of time, this article will provide you with some thoughts on how to do it. Download it here.
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I would love to receive your feedback on the eBook. Please let me know if you like it and how I can improve it!
Normal articles will resume in September!
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